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【学术报告】PDE Backstepping in Multi-Agent Formation Control

2018年09月17日 09:41  点击:

Title: PDE Backstepping in Multi-Agent Formation Control

Speaker: Dr. Shu-Xia Tang

Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley


Time:星期二14:00-15:00, September 18, 2018

Location: 126会议室, School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Abstract: Integral/ODE backstepping is a systematic feedback control method that has been widely applied in (nonlinear) lumped parameter systems. Over the past two decades, a continuum version of the backstepping approach, called PDE backstepping, has emerged and provided a new control perspective for distributed parameter systems. Numerous physical systems, such as battery/energy management systems, water management systems, additive manufacturing (3D printing) systems and multi-agent systems, can be modeled by PDEs and their control-related problems be solved by PDE backstepping. This talk will briefly present the ODE backstepping method, introduce the PDE backstepping method, and then will focus on the application in the cooperative formation control of (large-scale) multi-agent system in the space. In detail, the PDE state represents the agent positions and the communication graph of the agents is a mesh-grid 2D cylindrical surface. By PDE backstepping, the agents are regulated onto the cylindrical surface.

Bio: Shu-Xia Tang received her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2016 from the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego, (UCSD) USA. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley UCB) USA and Inria Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranee, France, after finishing her first-stop PDF position at University of Waterloo, Canada. Her main research interests are stability analysis, estimation and control design of distributed parameter systems.

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