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2019年04月01日 14:02  点击:

Mobile Actuator and Sensor Networks: from CPS to CHS

Speaker Name:

YangQuan Chen

Speaker Title:


Speaker Organization:

MESA Lab of University of California, Merced(美国加利福尼亚大学)

Start Time:

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 - 3:00pm(4月3日周三15:00)


beat365体育亚洲官方网站 341会议室


杨飞生 西工大信息物理系统控制与安全研究所(iCPS2)副所长


Robotics will continue to be a hot topic in many years to come in this “big data, cloud computing, machine learning, virtual reality age”. This talk starts by first introducing a new angle for emerging multi-robot control research opportunities - treating robots as a network of moving actuators and/or moving sensors (MAS-net) that can communicate with each other, forming a bigger closed-loop controlled physical system or    process, known as CPS (cyber-physical systems). Then I will further discuss the next step towards CHS: cyber-human systems, that extends our horizon of research attacks. I will share my belief that “Cyber-Human   Systems” (CHS) will be a hot topic in the next 10-20 years as human (individual, team, society/       community), computer (fixed, mobile and surrounds), and environment (physical, mixed and virtual) fuse.


YangQuan Chen earned his Ph.D. fromNanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 1998. He had been a faculty of Electrical Engineering at Utah State University from 2000-12. He joined the School of        Engineering, University of California, Merced in summer 2012 teaching “Mechatronics”, “Engineering     Service Learning” and “Unmanned Aerial Systems” for undergraduates; “Fractional Order Mechanics”,  “Nonlinear Controls” and “Advanced Controls: Optimality and Robustness” for graduates. His research   interests include mechatronics for sustainability, cognitive process control, small multi-UAV based     cooperative multi-spectral “personal remote sensing”, applied fractional calculus in controls, modeling and complex signal processing; distributed measurement and control of distributed parameter systems with   mobile actuator and sensor networks.

上一条:学术报告通知:复杂网络最优同步性能的谱分析 下一条:【beat365体育亚洲官方网站南山青年学术论坛】学术报告通知(第二讲)

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