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2019年04月18日 14:26  点击:

报告题目:Optic Wireless and Its New Generation for IoT: Visible Light on Wheels

报告人:Mingbo Niu教授




报告简介:The subject areas to be presented can be described with coherent optic wireless (COW), MIMO technology, and space-time coding circuits. When optical wave is employed in a wireless system and turbulence channel, ultra-high speed wireless communications and improved spectrum efficiency could be achieved in coherent detection. Wide band gap from RF to optics has the potential to futureproof optical wireless systems using multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology. These advanced techniques continue to attract growing interests in emerging technologies includes coherent FSO, subcarrier modulated beams, visible light communications, and mesh networking in mobile devices, green engineering, and high-speed vehicle-based internet information system. The SIMO and MIMO systems can be shown to combat, for example, severe turbulence conditions present between transmitter and/or receiver antennas. In this presentation, after an introduction of coherent optical wireless, diversity and MIMO, as well as an emerging generation - visible light communication, the features and working mechanism of FSO, MIMO, space-time coding (STC) and visible light systems are presented. The speaker’s previous work demonstrated that optical diversity technique can be effectively applied in both subcarrier and coherent FSO systems. It can not only mitigate the atmospheric turbulence effect substantially but also largely eliminated an“Open Problem”in coherent FSO using STC. New COW balloon networking and high speed vehicle-based mobile internet access system are proposed.


Mingbo Niu received a B. Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University in China, and an M. Sc. (Eng.) degree (first-class) major in Communication and Information Systems from the same university. Prior to his Ph.D., he worked at a National Key Laboratory on Information and Signal Processing under the supervision of Prof. Demin Xu, CAE Fellow. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada in 2013. From 2008 to 2012, he was a Graduate Research Assistant at Optical Wireless Communications Laboratory and Integrated Optics Laboratory where he contributed to the development of ultra-high speed optical data transmission systems. Dr.Niu held a postdoctoral fellowship at Queen’s University from 2013 to 2015. He also worked for Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) at Calian Tech. Ltd where he contributed to statistical evaluation models of MIMO compressive sensing projects. He joined Faculty of Science, Technology and Health in August 2015 as a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Okanagan College Kelowna Campus in British Columbia, Canada.

Dr. Niu has co-authored more than 30 IEEE, OSA and core journal papers and supervised a number of students’projects. Currently, he serves as a Lead Guest Editor for the SCI journal Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IF: 1.899) and an Editor for European InTech book projects on "Advanced Analog and Digital Circuits". Dr. Niu was invited and worked with Oxford University Press on new publications in Electronics. He is also an Oxford University Press Canada invited specialist for engineering textbook review and a reviewer for 17 top SCI journals (including IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Journal of Optical Society of America A, Science China, Elsevier Optics Communications, etc). Dr. Niu was the recipient of numerous scholarships during his undergraduate and graduate studies, which included a Chinese Government Award, two University of British Columbia University Graduate Fellowships (UGFs), and a HuaWei Tech. Ltd Special Fellowship. Dr. Niu is on the Director’s honor list in 2017 for his outstanding performance as a learner centered instructor. His current research and teaching interests include optical wireless and digital communications, microcontrollers, visible light communication networking, MIMO, DSP, energy harvesting, electronic circuit theory, and ICs for data communication networks. Dr. Niu is a licensed Professional Engineer in British Columbia.

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